In the heart of Africa, where dreams often find themselves tethered by the constraints of circumstance, a beacon of hope emerges—a grassroots movement known as the Smile Africa Foundation (SAF) a nonprofit organisation. Picture this: a continent buzzing with the vibrant energy of minds ignited by the possibilities of the cosmos, fuelled by the promise of a future where the skies are no longer limits but gateways to untold opportunities.

Meet Kelvin Arkhurst Odoom, the visionary founder of SAF. Growing up in Ghana, Kelvin harbored a fervent passion for the aerospace industry, a dream that took root in the fertile soil of his imagination during his teenage years. However, the challenges of limited resources and opportunities at that time prevented his aspirations from taking flight.

Now, Kelvin stands at the helm of the Smile Africa Foundation, driven by the unwavering belief that every African deserves the chance to reach for the stars, quite literally.

The Space Career Academy

SAF's flagship initiative, is not just a program—it's a catalyst for change, a vehicle propelling dreams into the stratosphere.


Our Mission


The Space Career Academy at Smile Africa Foundation aims to promote inclusivity and empower the next generation of BIPOC aerospace leaders through education, mentorship, and resources." We also simplify STEAM education in Africa through our mission by encouraging skilled professionals and graduate students to volunteer their time for online and offline teaching and mentoring.

Our Vision 👁️

Africa as a source of innovation and influence in the global space economy

The African Space Alliance is a forward-thinking closed community that serves as a vibrant hub for African space enthusiasts, graduates, and young professionals, connecting them through an online forum and an extended accelerator program. In collaboration with companies, schools, and organizations, sparking collaboration and discussions to shape the future of the African aerospace sector.The organization envisions launching missions from its own soil and fostering global collaboration.

Our Values

Only the Best

Smile Africa Foundation (SAF) is driven by values of inclusivity, passion for learning, innovation, empowerment, creativity, collaboration, resilience, global perspective, and ethical leadership. These values guide SAF's mission to inspire and empower African youth to pursue space careers, particularly in space exploration and entrepreneurship.

Our Approach

Outstanding Quality

Turning classrooms into launchpads, educators into mentors, and dreams into reality, propelling Africa into the global space community

6 Spin Street,

Cape Town, South Africa



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